Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Happy May Day!

Spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I do know where the birdies is!

Cardinals frolic in the grass early in the morning.

Plants reawaken in the warmth of the spring sun, and flowers begin to bloom. Crocuses and daffodils and spring violets abound.

I love spring and new beginnings! The weather is perfect, too. Not cold enough that I need to turn the heat on, and not hot enough for the air conditioner - wonderful!

Today I am participating in Blogging Against Disablism Day. Disablism is discrimination based on a disability of any sort. Read more by clicking on the graphic link below.

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2007

Several members of my family deal with disabilities ranging from hypermobility (not as much fun as it sounds like it should be) to rheumatoid arthritis to learning difficulties to environmental hypersensitivity. Discrimination takes many forms - sometimes it's failure to provide reasonable access to wheelchair-bound patrons by planning new construction properly; at other times it's a patronizing attitude.

Unless you take a minute to put yourself in another's shoes or perhaps their wheelchair, an able-bodied person may not understand the obstacles. A narrow doorway or a doorsill can become an insurmountable obstacle to a person with mobility impairments. Fragranced candles, potpourri, or deodorizer may trigger a major asthma attack in a chemically sensitive person. Tiny knobs or lids and handles that need to be turned or twisted can stop an arthritic person by making it too difficult for them to open a door, jar or chest.

Think before you design and build - there are lots of ways to make life easier and more accessible to everyone!

1 comment:

Never That Easy said...

What lovely thoughs, and lovely pictures. Thanks for speaking on some of the less well-known issues that face many people.

Sneakers - 2006

Sneakers - 2006
The incredible Sneakypony!